Our Story

For as long as George can remember, food has been in the foundation of his love language & has served as a way to process the good & the bad, bring together people of all walks of life who have walked into his life & and as almost a form of personal poetry or a way to refine a sort of creative expression that can be tied to just about anything while being relatable to those who eat in ways that become reminiscent of vague memories of specificity.

Along about a while back, George was passing through Kentucky on a cross-country trek when circumstances landed him on a stool at the end of a long bar that divided him from the woman who would change his life & the journey began that has become Romero’s today.

After years of dreaming of opening a restaurant together, George and Rebecca have finally taken the leap thanks to our partner, Todd, & welcomed into the fold, of their own recognizance, their son Seth & their daughter Alex.

The long of the short of it is that our dream is becoming a reality and we are 100% here for it. Every morning we rise & get after it with the simple goal of creating and maintaining a humble, neighborhood joint with the potential for staying power, the goal of becoming everyone’s favorite spot for great food, great drinks, & great music and the dream of giving back, in our own way, to a community that has welcomed us, jumped behind us & shown up for us like none of us have ever been used to seeing.