In the movies, the misfits always find a way…
The Crew
…Meet the Misfits…
George. a.k.a. Papa.
Gen X-born to the godfather of indie horror, George is a terminally creative, indie writer, producer, & director of comics & movies and has informally cheffed his way across the United States for decades with the dream of one day opening a restaurant.
With the love of his wife, Rebecca, who has always carried the s me dream of opening her own place, the two finally txok the leap in August of 2022 and opened Romero’s.
Executive Chef & Co-owner of Romero’s with his wife, Rebecca, the heart of Romero’s & his approach to cheffing is as indie as it gets & it shows in menu and the vibe of Romero’s.
Rebecca. a.k.a. G.
A monster behind the bar, Rebecca left the world of business finance to become a world-class bartender in order to spend more time with her kids years ago & her attitude toward quality of life was one of the first things George fell in love with about her.
With her own dream of opening and running her own place aligning with her life partner and doting husband, the two took the leap in 2022 and now she’s our very own Bar Curator teaching her daughter Alex her Jedi ways & curating our craft cocktails.
Seth. a.k.a. Nighthawk
Made by mom and built by dad, Seth is Rebecca & George’s son.
On his way to master level as a leather worker, Seth’sattention to detail & love for the process has given him the ability to tackle things like restoring vintage audio gear or building furniture with George.
Having turned his passion toward cooking after years of learning from his dad applying that brain of his to the kitchen, Seth has formally moved into the Head Chef slot and is an absolute monster on the line.
Odds are good that if you’ve eaten at Romeros, Nighthawk has prepared your meal!
Alex. a.k.a. The Witchy One.
Having recently returned home with a family of her own, Rebecca & George’s daughter Alex has landed with both feet in her role as lead bartender under the mastery of her mother’s curation and tutelage with a heart for adventure & an energy that exudes love & compassion
Alex’s passion for natural and organic living brings her own twist to the craft cocktails she creates as the perfect companion to the chef-prepared meals coming out of the kitchen!
Phil. a.k.a. The Baker.
Phil & George share the connection of originating in Pittsburgh where Phil became the elite baker & pastry chef that Romero’s is lucky to have.
Rooted in the same culinary region as George, Phil’s weekly creations bring one-of-a-kind desserts with an artist’s twist to Mount Sterling & well, to be honest… being from the same town, Phil & George also share a passion for tomfoolery & shenanigans so there’s never a dull moment with The Baker around!